Powerful Reasons To Adopt Low Oxalate Or Alkaline Diets

Last updated on October 4, 2022

Importance of Alkaline Foods & Diet

Alkaline foods are vital in maintaining pH balance in the body. Experts suggest that having a balanced meal with a good blend of all the food groups is important to uplift overall wellness, rather than restricting to certain food items. As per the acid-ash theory, acidic ash is believed to make you prone to illness, whereas alkaline ash is protective. Thereby choosing alkaline foods would help to keep up the pH of the body and enhance overall health.


Alkaline Foods

Food groups Benefits Of Alkaline Foods In Your Diet The Alkaline Diet Alkaline Diet vs Low Oxalate Diet

The alkaline diet is also called the acid-alkaline or alkaline ash diet which claims to alter the pH value of the human body, improve well-being, manage weight, and combat cancer. It is based on the concept that a few foods can cause your body to produce acid, which is detrimental. However, consuming certain foods or drinks can alter the body’s acid level or pH balance.

Food groups

Acid Neutral Alkaline
Meat Natural Fats Fruits
Poultry Starches Nuts
Fish Sugars Legumes
Eggs Vegetables

Benefits Of Alkaline Foods In Your Diet

One of the most important benefits of alkaline foods is that it protects bone density and muscle mass. While a high acid level in the body can cause inflammation, an alkaline diet can boost immune functions and reduce swelling and redness. By including alkaline in your diet plan, it helps in preventing obesity by lowering the level of leptin and also helps in eliminating toxins from the body.
Alkaline Foods

The alkaline diet

The alkaline diet emphasizes eating fresh whole foods with a variety of fruits and vegetables and limited processed food. It allows for small amounts of animal protein and dairy while reducing refined grains, providing a wide array of nutrients.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) dietary guidelines include calorie recommendations and tips for a healthy, balanced diet. The following nutrient-dense foods are recommended by the USDA.

Vegetables and dark, leafy greens Fruits Grains Lean meats Beans- Legumes Nuts / Seeds Milk Products Oils
Spinach Apples Quinoa Chicken breast Lentils Walnuts Reduced Fat Olive
Broccoli Berries Brown Rice Fish Peas Almonds Cheese Avocado
Green Beans Melon Oats Turkey breast Sunflower Seeds Yogurt
Swiss chard


General considerations

  • Adopting a plant-based diet rich in fruits and vegetables may help you achieve overall wellness and protect against certain diseases.
  • Food affects the pH of your urine, but not your blood
  • It’s critical for your health that the pH of your blood remains constant.
  • If it were to fall outside of the normal range, your cells would stop working and you would die very quickly if untreated.
  • For this reason, your body has many effective ways to closely regulate its pH balance. This is known as acid-base homeostasis.
  • In fact, it’s nearly impossible for food to change the pH value of blood in healthy people, although tiny fluctuations can occur within the normal range.
  • However, food can change the pH value of your urine — though the effect is somewhat variable 
    Excreting acids in your urine is one of the main ways your body regulates its blood pH.
  • If you eat a large steak, your urine will be more acidic several hours later as your body removes the metabolic waste from your system.
  • Therefore, urine pH is a poor indicator of overall body pH and general health. It can also be influenced by factors other than your diet.

Low Oxalate vs. Alkaline Diet: Differences and Similarities

A low oxalate diet and an alkaline diet are not the same, but there are some similarities between them.

A low oxalate diet involves reducing the intake of foods high in oxalates, which are compounds found in many plant-based foods that can form crystals in the body and lead to kidney stones in some people. The goal of a low oxalate diet is to limit the formation of these crystals and reduce the risk of kidney stones.

On the other hand, an alkaline diet is focused on consuming foods that can help regulate the body's pH level, which is a measure of how acidic or alkaline the body is. The diet involves eating foods that are low in acid and high in alkaline minerals, such as fruits and vegetables.

While these two diets have different goals, there is some overlap in terms of the foods that are recommended. Both diets emphasize the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as limiting the intake of processed foods and foods high in sugar. Additionally, some low oxalate foods, such as leafy greens, can also be alkaline-forming in the body.

Which food to avoid in Low Oxalate, and Alkaline Diet

In a low oxalate diet, high oxalate foods such as spinach, rhubarb, and nuts should be avoided. In an alkaline diet, acidic foods such as processed foods, meat, and dairy products should be limited.

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