Oxalate Foods: The Shocking Truth About Your Beloved Dates


Sweet Relief: Medjool Dates & Kidney Stone Care

If you're trying to eat healthily, you might have heard about the importance of avoiding high-oxalate foods. Oxalates are compounds that can be found in many common foods, including spinach, rhubarb, and yes, even dates. 


oxalte food - dates

What Are Oxalates and How Do They Affect Your Body?

Oxalates are compounds naturally found in many foods and plants. They are formed by the binding of oxalic acid with other minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. While oxalates are considered beneficial in small amounts, excessive consumption of high-oxalate foods can have negative effects on the body.

When consumed in excess, oxalates can form crystals and cause a variety of health issues. The crystals can accumulate in the kidneys, leading to kidney stones. Oxalates can also interfere with the absorption of certain minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, leading to nutrient deficiencies.

The Link Between High Oxalate Intake and Health Issues

While it's true that high oxalate intake has been linked to health issues such as kidney stones, it's important to note that not all oxalate foods are created equal. Some foods contain more oxalates than others, and the way they are prepared and consumed can also affect their oxalate content.

oxalate food dates

How to Enjoy Dates and Other Foods While Managing Your Oxalate Intake

Dates are a great example of a food that can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet, even if you are watching your oxalate intake. While they do contain oxalates, they are also rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them a great addition to many meals and snacks.

Dates are considered low to moderate oxalate foods, with an oxalate content ranging from 3 to 17 mg per serving. They can be a healthy addition to a low-oxalate diet, but it's important to consume them in moderation.

It's also important to note that while dates are low in oxalates, they are relatively high in sugar and calories. If you are watching your sugar or calorie intake, it's important to factor in the nutritional content of dates when planning your meals.

Dates That Are Considered To Be Lower In Oxalates Dates That Are Considered To Be Higher In Oxalates
Deglet Noor dates Medjool dates
Khadrawi dates Zahidi dates
Halawy dates Barhi dates

Medjool Dates and Oxalate Content

Medjool dates, the sweet and nutrient-rich fruits, are known for their numerous health benefits, like being a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, when it comes to their oxalate content, the good news is that Medjool dates are generally considered to be a low-oxalate food. This means they can be safely included in a diet for those monitoring their oxalate intake.

The Balancing Act in Diet

While Medjool dates are low in oxalates, it's crucial to consider them within the context of your overall diet, especially if you're trying to manage oxalate intake.
  • Diet Diversity: If your diet includes a variety of high-oxalate foods like spinach, beets, or certain nuts and seeds, adding Medjool dates won’t significantly increase your oxalate intake.
  • Portion Control: Like with any food, moderation is key. Enjoying Medjool dates in reasonable quantities is a smart approach, especially if you're prone to kidney stones.

Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Oxalates

Eating too many oxalates can lead to several health issues. According to the Mayo Clinic, consuming large amounts of foods high in oxalate can raise your risk of hyperoxaluria or kidney stones.

Oxalate can form complexes with minerals such as calcium and interfere with their absorption. A high oxalate diet may lead to some people developing kidney stones.

In addition, Sara Gottfried MD states that oxalate overload can cause several health problems such as gut problems, chronic pain, joint pain, inflammation, and more.

It is important to note that following a low-oxalate diet is recommended for people who are at risk of developing calcium oxalate kidney stones


In conclusion, while it's important to be mindful of your oxalate intake, it's not necessary to cut out all oxalate foods altogether. With a little bit of knowledge and planning, you can still enjoy a wide variety of foods, including your beloved dates, without sacrificing your health.

Medjool dates can be a delightful addition to your diet without the concerns associated with high-oxalate foods.

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