6 Red Flags Of A Friendship You Shouldn't Ignore Quickly


Relationship Red Flags That Should Not be Ignored

Friendships are incredibly important to our well-being, but sometimes we can find ourselves in unhealthy relationships. How can you tell if a friendship has gone sour?
No one wants to end up in an abusive or toxic relationship. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to recognize when a friendship is bad for us. Subtle signs of a troubled connection may be overlooked as people try to make things work or turn a blind eye to manipulation.
toxic relationship

Friendships should make life better and not worse (relationship goals). Identifying red flags when they first appear is essential: if left unchecked these relationships will only become more draining and dysfunctional. 
To ensure that you make good decisions when it comes to friendships, here are some common signs of an unhealthy relationship that should never be ignored.

6 Signs of a Toxic Friendship

1. Lack of Communication 

Lack of communication is one of the clearest signs that your friendship might be in trouble. If the conversation has ceased, or there is little effort being made to maintain the relationship, then maybe it’s time to step back and take a look at what could be going wrong. 

2. Not Respecting Personal Boundaries

Good friends should be respectful of each other's boundaries when it comes to relationships, both good and bad. They shouldn’t push too far into your personal space and shouldn’t try to force you into doing things you don’t want to do. 
    • Any sign of disrespecting boundaries could be a sign that something deeper is wrong with the friendship or that it's time to reconsider spending time with them if these behaviors persist. 
toxic relationship

3. Controlling Behavior 

A friend who tries to control you or make decisions for you should always raise a red flag in any potential relationships or friendships. Feelings like these can stem from insecurity, where a person feels inadequate without validation from another person as opposed to finding contentment within themselves. 
    • Controlling behavior can also result in resentment which will likely damage the relationship if left unchecked or unrecognized by either party involved - this red flag should never be ignored!

4 Jealousy/Envy 

Jealousy and envy between friends can ruin trust and respect for each other leading to serious issues in the friendship. A healthy balance of supportiveness does not overtake competitiveness but rather serves as motivation for growth - within both friends - which brings out positive feelings & actions throughout their friendship instead of negative ones like comparison, envy & jealousy which may unfairly limit each individual's potential successes & achievements over time. 
    • These negative emotions are toxic & have no place in any true connection between two people so they must not ever be overlooked or ignored entirely as warning signs of an unhealthy relationship developing quickly! 

5 Dishonesty 

 Honesty should always come first when it comes to friendships: criticism should always come from sincere care for someone despite its lack of positivity; conversations need genuine dialogue & support; intentions must remain truthful regardless of circumstance; ambitions warrant full disclosure even when difficult conversations arise 
    • The list goes on but the underlying theme remains the same: dishonesty destroys trust & respect which leads to further deterioration between two people who used to share an intimate bond with one another! 
    • Unfortunately, how early on these untrue words appear matters little compared to how frequently they recur after: once lies have become part and parcel of a dynamic existing between two people, real progress cannot truly begin until someone steps forward bravely enough (& truly honest enough)to turn around such an occurrence ASAP!  

 6 Taking Without Giving 

When friends only take without giving anything back anymore – whether reciprocation hasn’t been seen in regards to physical gifts (in a material way); emotional connection (with meaningful conversations); shared experiences (like inviting out); etc – then it might mean that either party has grown apathetic towards maintaining it if demanded reciprocity hasn’t revealed itself yet over many instances taking place over a long period(s). 
    • Such behavior undermines fairness for both parties involved (& relationship isn't fulfilling anymore): regardless of who initiated/caused such an ‘imbalanced cycle' in the first place(but often too late), ultimately solution requires an active stance from all parties ‘ involved in order ensure happy ending ahead–never forget importance returning back consistency with mutual understanding TOGETHER during times when needed most!

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