Is Your Thyroid or Something Else? Unexplained Weight Gain

Last updated on October 5, 2022

If hyperthyroidism leads to weight loss, then why would it cause weight gain

A person’s diet can have an impact on the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Some foods can improve the condition, while others can make symptoms worse or interfere with medications.

Weight Gain Thyroid

How thyroid function can affect your weight

Hyperthyroidism occurs when there are too many hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism causes the thyroid gland to produce excessive amounts of thyroid hormone. When you have hyperthyroidism, you might experience symptoms like increased appetite, fatigue, nervousness, heart palpitations, muscle weakness, rapid heartbeat, and weight gain. If left untreated, hyperthyroidism could lead to serious health problems such as heart failure, kidney damage, and even death.
Hyperthyroidism vs Hypothyroidism Symptoms: Weight Gain or Loss Symptoms: Swelling in the Neck Symptoms: Feeling Too Cold or Hot Hyperthyroidism Is Far More Common In Women Than In Men

Hypothyroidism is a disease characterized by low levels of thyroid hormone in the blood. Although it affects both men and women equally, it occurs most frequently in middle-aged adults. A person with hypothyroidism does not produce enough thyroid hormones to maintain normal metabolic rates; therefore, the body needs to use energy to make up for this deficiency. This increased demand for energy causes the individual to eat more food than he/she normally would. In addition, the metabolism slows down, causing the body to store more calories as fat.thyroid weight gain

The thyroid gland produces three different types of thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and reverse T3 (rT3). Thyroxine is responsible for increasing basal metabolic rate (BMR), while rT3 increases lipolysis (the breakdown of fats into fatty acids and glycerol). Triiodothyronine is involved in protein synthesis and carbohydrate oxidation.

In general, people with hypothyroidism are overweight because they do not burn as many calories as others. They also tend to retain fluid and sodium, resulting in weight gain. Hypothyroidism is one of the most common endocrine disorders affecting approximately 2% of the population. Symptoms include fatigue, dry skin, constipation, depression, hair loss, muscle cramps, menstrual irregularities, and weight gain.

This also means that not producing enough thyroid hormone is usually associated with a low basal metabolic rate. Therefore, hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) can cause weight gain. Your body isn’t burning as much energy, which can lead to a calorie surplus.
The symptoms of an overactive thyroid include unintentional weight loss, anxiety, sweating, frequent bowel movements, difficulty sleeping, and muscle weakness.

Hyperthyroidism vs Hypothyroidism

The most common difference between the two diseases relates to hormone levels. Hypothyroidism leads to a decrease in hormones. Hyperthyroidism leads to an increase in hormone production.

In the United States, hypothyroidism is more common than hyperthyroidism. However, it’s not uncommon to have an overactive thyroid and then an underactive thyroid, or vice versa.

Hyperthyroidism vs Hypothyroidism

Weight loss is often associated with depression. But it could just mean that someone is losing weight because his or her thyroid gland isn't producing enough thyroid hormone.

A person with hypothyroidism might experience weight gain even though he or she is eating less than usual. If you're experiencing weight loss, talk to your doctor about whether there are any underlying causes.

Hyperthyroidism Symptoms: Swelling in the Neck

A swollen gland in the neck could mean one of several things. An enlarged thyroid gland is usually caused by an overactive thyroid called hyperthyroidism. This causes the body to produce too much thyroid hormone. In contrast, under activity of the thyroid is known as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism can lead to weight gain, fatigue, depression, hair loss, dry skin, constipation, and muscle weakness.

The symptoms of both conditions are similar, but hypothyroidism tends to be less severe. For example, people with hypothyroidism often feel tired and sluggish rather than having a racing heart, palpitations, anxiety, or irritability.

In addition, some people develop a benign growth in the thyroid gland called a goiter. Goiters are swellings in the neck that enlarge because there isn't enough thyroid hormone circulating in the blood. They can sometimes be painful and interfere with breathing.

Goiters aren't dangerous, but they're best treated medically. If you have a goiter, it's important to see your doctor regularly to monitor how well it responds to treatment.

Hyperthyroidism Symptoms: Feeling Too Cold or Hot

Hypothyroidism is a disorder where the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough hormones. This leads to low levels of thyroid hormone, which regulates metabolism and helps control how much energy you use. In addition, it affects your heart, muscles, brain, skin, hair, and nails. Symptoms include feeling tired, having trouble concentrating, weight gain, muscle aches, depression, dry skin, and brittle fingernails. If untreated, symptoms can worsen over time.

Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid produces too many hormones. It causes rapid heartbeat, irritability, nervousness, tremors, anxiety, insomnia, diarrhea, excessive sweating, and weight loss. Untreated hyperthyroidism can lead to heart problems, bone loss, and even death.

Other Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is often called "the silent killer," because it doesn't always show up with obvious signs like weight gain or fatigue. But hypothyroidism can lead to a host of other symptoms, including dry skin, brittle nails, numbness or tingling of the hands, constipation, abnormal menstrual periods, and even depression.

Hyperthyroidism Is Far More Common In Women Than In Men

Women are more likely to develop hyperthyroidism than men because they produce more thyroid hormone (T4) than men. Men tend to have higher levels of TSH, the pituitary gland hormone that regulates the production of T4.

Why Hyperthyroidism is far more common in women than in men?.

Women are more likely to develop hyperthyroidism due to their higher levels of estrogen. Estrogen stimulates thyroid hormone production. In addition, women tend to be diagnosed at an earlier age than men.

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• Weight Loss
• Healthy Metabolism
• Balanced Energy

Weight Gain Thyroid

Weight Gain Thyroid

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